Montreal CSETI Team and CE5 Working Group
Field Work Report #4
“August 2015 Expedition”
Saturday August 1st to Sunday August 9th 2015


The following events and observations took place during a CE5 expedition in the first quarter of August 2015. The dates of the CE5s were the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th. Magnetic anomalies were measured around the team members by a trifield meter on the night of the 2nd, indoors. The trifield meter was a model 100XE by EMR Shielding Solutions Inc. It was set at the magnetic scale (0-3 range). A similar magnetic field event was measured and an audio recording was taken of the trifield measurement on the following evening of the 3rd. The team then amplified the modulation of the recording with noise reduction software. The signal was then broadcasted on the following evenings of the 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th. Upon transmitting the signal during the CE5s, footage and photographs of luminous aerial objects as well as other corresponding phenomena were recorded. Based on these interactions and the events that followed them, it is the team's conclusion that the recorded signal is a transmission originating from an Extraterrestrial intelligence.


Sunday August 2nd 2015

7.00PM – The team is indoors. The CSETI Crop Circle Tones are broadcasted by radio transmitter.
9.30PM – Meditation and preparation for Coherent Thought Sequencing.
10.30PM – The team goes outdoors to scan the sky and area.
10.53PM – The team returns indoors. A second CTS is done.
11.45PM – A team member sees a white object move down past her left side in total darkness. She had the presence of mind to pick up the trifield meter and scan her body. (As seen on video)
12.24AM – Trifield scanning of entire team and documentation. The trifield meter indicated around 1.5 on the 0-3 magnetic scale measured within inches from the body parts. (As seen on video)
2.00AM – All anomalous trifield signals have ended.

Parallel events and observations

·         A vorticular column was created in thought-form during the CTS with the intention of interstellar contact. Once the column was shut down at approximately 2.00AM the trifield readings in the location where it was detected ceased.
·         A magnetic field was detected in a column where it was created from the floor to a vaulted ceiling with the trifield meter.
·         A magnetic field was detected very near to a rose quartz crystal.
·         A team member was drawn to interact with the crystal. Upon placement of the hands the measurement from the trifield meter changed. (See video)
·         Two crafts were remote viewed during CTS. One disc-shaped. One mushroom-shaped.
·         “Golden droplets” were remote viewed by multiple team members.
·         “Subtle scintillating” entities were remote viewed by a team member.

Monday August 3rd 2015

8.10PM – The team is indoors. Mount Shasta Tones are broadcasted by radio transmitter.
8.17PM – Trifield meter is triggered, constant firing. A modulated magnetic field was measured by the trifield meter and audio was recorded. This measurement was not around the bodies of the team. The audio recording was taken for approximately 30 minutes, however, the signal continued longer.
8.46PM – The team records audio and video of the trifield measurement.
9.09PM – Bright object is filmed during audio recording. (see photographs below and video)
9.45PM – The team goes outdoors to scan the sky and area (time is approximate).
10.13PM – Multiple team members hear tones outdoors. They resemble the CSETI Crop Circle Tones.

Parallel events and observations

·         At 7.45PM one of the team members sensed the presence of the ETs close by. The team then prepared their equipment for a CE5. When the trifield was turned on, the magnetic field had been detected immediately.
·         The bright object was filmed in darkness. No external light source was seen creating it. It was visible on video for a fraction of a second. It had two shapes and colors.
·         Three crafts were remote viewed. One pyramid-shaped. One dome-shaped. One shaped like a lemon juicer.
·         Following the timeline of events a team member received the thought-form communication “…Our wishes in thought form will be understood, but in concrete scientific is another…”

Tuesday August 4th 2015

8.57PM – Team is indoors. The Montreal CSETI Trifield Transmission is broadcasted by radio transmitter for the first time. A camera is setup outdoors to continuously film the sky.
9.16PM Radar detector is triggered and fires multiple times.
9.33PM – Meditation and preparation for Coherent Thought Sequencing.
10.08PM – Team goes outdoors to scan sky and area.
10.13PM – Visual confirmation of strobing light in sky by multiple team members.

Footnote: Upon review of the footage the team saw that at 9.22PM a translucent spherical object was filmed, and at 9.27PM a luminous aerial object was filmed.

Parallel events and observations

·         Two crafts were remote viewed during CTS. A silver disc and a luminous white sombrero-shaped one.
·         At 11.40PM a team member remote viewed and drew an object similar to the one filmed on August 3rd at 9.09PM without previously seeing the footage.
·         A team member received a thought-form communication that the magnetic fields measured on August the 2nd around the team’s bodies were extraterrestrial in origin.

Thursday August 6th 2015

8.55PM – The CSETI Crop Circle Tones, The Mount Shasta Tones, The New Hampshire Tones, The Orion Transmission, and the Montreal CSETI Trifield Transmission are broadcasted by radio transmitter. The team goes outdoors.
9.42PM – Meditation and preparation for Coherent Thought Sequencing.
11.00PM – Visual confirmation of two consecutive bright flashes in the sky by a team member.
11.08PM A luminous aerial object is filmed.
12.35AM – Upon returning indoors the entire team detects the smell of roses.

Parallel events and observations

·         The filmed object was seen crossing paths with a dimmer one. Later in the recording it appeared to accelerate and then disappeared.
·         A craft was remote viewed during CTS. It was shaped like a contact lens.
·         Before returning indoors a team member remote sensed a presence. This was followed by the odor of the roses.

Friday August 7th 2015

9.15PM – The CSETI Crop Circle Tones, The Mount Shasta Tones, The New Hampshire Tones, The Orion Transmission, and the Montreal CSETI Trifield Transmission are broadcasted by radio transmitter. The team moves outdoors.
9.59PM Radar detector is triggered almost immediately after it is turned on. It fires several times.
10.00PM – Radar detector is triggered several more times.
10.25PM – Meditation and preparation for Coherent Thought Sequencing.
11.20PM – A low altitude golden sphere is seen moving across the sky. It accelerates and disappears as an aircraft approaches the area.
11.34PM – Radar detector is triggered again.
11.51PM – Luminous aerial object is filmed.
12.05AM A “Dual-light” object is filmed.
12.16AM – Radar detector is triggered again.
1.37AM – Two team members see a fast moving bright white boomerang-shaped object pass through the sky at low altitude while debriefing.

Parallel events and observations

·         A team member described experiencing a “reverse lock-on” twice during the CTS.
·         A similar object to the “dual-light” is filmed in Portugal a month later during an expedition with Dr Greer. (see here)

Saturday August 8th 2015

9.00PM – The team goes outdoors.
9.22PM – A translucent spherical object is filmed. Similar to the one filmed August 4th at 9.22PM.
9.24PM – A team member observes an alleged star “turning off”.
9.35PM – The CSETI Crop Circle Tones, The Mount Shasta Tones, The New Hampshire Tones, The Orion Transmission, and The Montreal CSETI Trifield Transmission are broadcasted by a radio transmitter.
9.51PM – Meditation and preparation for Coherent Thought Sequencing.
10.13PM – “Dual-light” object is filmed. Similar to the one filmed August 7th at 12.05AM.
10.30PM – A low altitude golden sphere is seen passing over the site. It is similar to the one seen on August 7th at 11.20PM. It follows a similar trajectory, accelerates, and disappears again.
10.55PMLuminous aerial object is filmed. It signals twice after a team member asked for a signal in thought-form.
11.14PM – “Jumping” ribbon-like object is observed by a team member and photographed simultaneously. (see photograph below)

Parallel events and observations

·         At approximately 7.00PM a team member received a communication in thought-form indicating that the radio transmitter could be used to transmit binary data with the intent of furthering communications.
·         The translucent spherical objects filmed August 4th and 8th shared the same time of 9.22PM. These objects are often called “orbs”.
·         A team member remote viewed a craft during CTS. It was disc shaped. During the lock-on there was a dialogue. The ET intelligence conveyed to the team member that they were “…trying to come in…” to the site. Another team member suggested to ask how the team could help. The response that came back was “…you can look…” Seconds immediately following this the golden sphere at 10.30PM appeared.
·         Team member quote regarding 10.55PM event: "...I saw a bright flash in the sky close to the treetops. It wasn't an aircraft so I knew it was safe to use the laser. I circled the area where I saw the flash with the laser. A luminous object materialized in that area, moved to the right, and disappeared again. I circled the area once more. The object returned and continued on. I picked up the infrared recorder and began to follow it onscreen. We know that interstellar craft have systems that interface with thought. I asked in thought, focused on the object: ‘could you signal to us intelligently?’ It signaled twice."
·         Team member quote regarding “jumping” object: “…It was like a ribbon and it was moving very fast… it looked almost like it was jumping across the sky…”
·         A team member observed a large luminous object that increased and decreased in brightness before disappearing lower to the horizon.
·         A team member described experiencing a “reverse lock-on” similar to the one on August 7th during the CTS.

Summary of Observations

1.       Anomalous magnetic fields measured in close proximity around all the individual team members’ bodies with a trifield meter. The areas include the head, shoulder, arm and hands mostly on the left. Measurements were also recorded on the chest area.
2.       Magnetic fields were measured around a team members’ rose quartz crystal. The measurements from the trifield meter of the crystal was then amplified by the closeness of the team members’ hands to the crystal.
3.        Magnetic fields were measured in a specific area in the room. This was in a column from the floor to a vaulted ceiling.
4.       A modulated magnetic field was measured by the trifield meter and audio was recorded. The measurement was not around the bodies of the team. The audio recording was taken for approximately 30 minutes, however, the signal continued longer.
5.       During the audio recording a bright object was filmed in the room at a fraction of a second
6.       A radar detector was triggered several times throughout the expedition. It was triggered minutes after the first broadcast of the newly recorded transmission. It was triggered moments before significant visual confirmations and recorded objects. During one event it was triggered multiple times in just a few minutes before a golden sphere hovered across the working site.
7.       Several luminous aerial objects were observed and filmed. This includes the appearance of acceleration, changes in luminosity, or moving in patterns or in groups.
8.       A golden sphere was seen passing over the site outdoors at low altitude. The golden sphere accelerated and disappeared when an aircraft entered the area. A golden sphere was seen again the following night on the same trajectory with the same movement.
9.       Brilliant objects were seen passing over and around the team at high speed with different shapes. Flashing “bulbs” and alleged stars “turning-off” were also observed. The flashes and bulbs were not mobile.
10.   A translucent spherical object was recorded twice on two separate evenings, the 4th and the 8th, both at 9.22PM.
11.   A fast moving “ribbon-like” object was observed and photographed simultaneously by two team members.
12.   A luminous object is filmed signaling twice. It is the team’s conclusion that this was an interstellar craft due to the nature of the event. (See team member quote and video above, August 8th 10.55PM event. See “parallel events and observations” under same date.)